Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)


Perception of Organizational Justice: The Role of Dehumanization, Abusive Supervision and Incivility

Author(s): Monisha Meher, Tumpa Dey, Tulika Sharma and Pavan Kr. Balivada

The ubiquity of workplace incivility, as well as the serious repercussions associated with it, has led many scholars to examine the different dynamics of this concern. The present study is based on JD-R (Job Demands-Resources) theory, by considering Incivility, Abusive Supervision, and Dehumanization as job demands and Perceptions of organizational Support and Justice, Employee Voice as job resources. A model had been developed to study the relationship between Abusive supervision, Incivility and Perception of Organizational Justice with Dehumanization being a mediator which also includes the extent to which Employee Voice, Perception of Organizational Support influence the relationship between Dehumanization and Perception of Organizational Justice. The study of this comprehensive mix had not yet been or in limited combination, was done by researchers. The study is done on employees of SMEs and IT/ITES companies; and SEM (Structural Equation Modelling), Moderation, Mediation modules were used in jamovi software to analyse the data to arrive at outputs and interpretations at confidence level of 95%. The results indicated that at significance level of 0.05; Abusive Supervision, Incivility, Dehumanization, Employee Voice, and Perception of Organizational Support are all linked to Perception of Organizational Justice. However, only the prediction of Abusive Supervision by Perception of Organizational Justice is significant. Further, the mediation analysis confirmed that there is no significant mediation of Dehumanization between Abusive Supervision and Perception of Organizational Justice, and between Incivility and Perception of Organizational Justice though 37% and 86.8% of the total effect is explained by indirect effect respectively. The moderation analysis confirmed that Employee Voice, Perception of Organizational Support are not significant mediators in relation between Dehumanization and Perception of Organizational Justice though at High value of moderator: Employee Voice the effect is significant and at Low level of moderator: Perception of Organizational Support the effect is significant. Organizations can use this model to vary the perceptions by controlling the mentioned constructs and also, they can take few preventive measures by using the interpretation of study that at high level of Dehumanization and high level of Employee Voice, the Perception of Organizational Justice increases; and that at high level of Dehumanization and low level of Perception of Organizational Support, the Perception of Organizational Justice decreases. However, the insignificance of effects of few constructs in the model may be due to influence of sample size, model complexity, and other factors on parameter estimates. Hence organizations are advised to note that few effects which are been shown as insignificant in output may be having significant effects in real scenarios.

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