International Journal of Entrepreneurship (Print ISSN: 1099-9264; Online ISSN: 1939-4675)


Optimizing Enterprise Adaptability to Inflationary Situations : Modeling the Implementation of AI in e -Management

Author(s): Mamadou MBAYE, Ibrahima THIAM

In an environment marked by rampant inflation, organizational adaptability takes on crucial importance in maintaining companies' competitiveness. This article aims to explore the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in internal e-management to optimize this adaptability in the face of this major economic challenge. Through an approach based on a robust theoretical model, we analyze the mechanisms for incorporating AI into internal management processes, aiming to improve decision-making, enhance responsiveness to market fluctuations, and foster organizational innovation. Special attention is paid to modeling this integration, identifying key variables and their interactions to ensure its effectiveness. The combined use of qualitative and quantitative analyses allows us to evaluate the results obtained, particularly in terms of organizational performance, operational agility, and the ability to adapt to economic variations. Our methodology includes a discussion of the model, offering relevant recommendations to enable efficient application of the principles of prospective, agile, and innovative management, taking into account AI in management practices. The results provide valuable insights for its successful integration into internal e-management within organizations. Finally, the implications arising from the study enrich the academic understanding of the synergies necessary for organizational adaptability in a volatile economic environment

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