Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)


Navigating the Challenges and Strategies for Higher Education Institutions in Mapping Industry 4.0 Based Education: A PLS-SEM Analysis

Author(s): Monika Gadre, Aruna Deoskar

Industry 4.0 is one of the rapidly growing fields in various domains. To fully capitalize on its potential, it's crucial to comprehensively examine the obstacles and confines related to its execution. The advent of Industry 4.0 has triggered a profound metamorphosis across multiple industries, necessitating a paradigm shift in higher education approaches. The research aims to study and identify the opportunities and concerns of various stakeholders viz. universities, students, academicians, and experts from industries, to align their curricula and methodologies with the demands of Industry 4.0 and how best the future workforce be prepared. The hindrances in implementing Industry 4.0 in industries are scrutinized from an educational vantage point. The universities and educational institutes are striving hard to lay a strong foundation for future talents by reforming the existing programs, redesigning the curriculum, establishing strong relationships with alumni and industry, infrastructure development, and most importantly pedagogical methodologies, faculty development through exchange programs, training, projects, etc. The researcher has identified various educational factors and proposed strategies for the successful implementation of Industry 4.0 and offers solutions to bridge the gap between industry demands and academic provisions. Finally, this study serves as a roadmap for Higher Education Institutions seeking to capitalize on Industry 4.0's potential while addressing its accompanying hurdles. Institutions can effectively shape the future workforce by embracing innovative techniques and developing a comprehensive approach to curriculum design and pedagogy, giving them the skills and mindset required to flourish in the ever-changing terrain of Industry 4.0.

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