International Journal of Entrepreneurship (Print ISSN: 1099-9264; Online ISSN: 1939-4675)


Modeling and Solving the Problem of Location of Facilities in the Distribution Sector of the Supply Chain in Multi-Product and Multi-Period Mode

Author(s): Mohammad Taleghani, Ataollah Taleghani

Location of facilities is an integral part of organizational strategy that can play an essential role in the strategic direction of the organization. This activity includes many factors that may be in conflict in nature, so that if the necessary checks are not carried out when choosing a location, this can affect the life of the organization in the long term. The purpose of this research is to investigate the problem of location of facilities in the supply chain distribution sector and to develop a new mathematical model for this problem. One of the important limitations of this mathematical model is the capacity limitations. Also, this issue is investigated for multi-product and multi-period distribution planning. Therefore, while defining and modeling this problem, a numerical example is also analyzed to solve the results

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