Author(s): Agim Zuzaku, Liridon Dalipi
The supply and demand of the labor market have a huge discrepancy in Kosovo. The unemployment rate in Kosovo is 27.5%, while the Youth unemployment rate (15-24 years) is 52.4%. On the other side, businesses do not have enough workers and the demand for labor is extremely high (Kosovo Agency of Statistics, 2015).
One of the factors influencing this supply and market demand discrepancy is the lack of HR planning by profession and the recommendation for directions or profiles in educational institutions.
In Kosovo, unemployment is high, while businesses are looking for workers. The public sector is the Sector that employs the largest number of employees.
The objective of this paper is to research the labor market, harmonize the supply and demand of the workforce by profession, and influence local economic development.
Based on the conclusions of this research, all curricula in the faculty should be reviewed and greater importance is given to vocational schools to harmonize the supply and demand of the workforce.