Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Print ISSN: 1087-9595; Online ISSN: 1528-2686)


Leadership Styles for Job Satisfaction in Knowledge Based Institutions the Case of Heads of Departments At An Institution of Higher Education in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa

Author(s): Nteboheng Mefi and Samson Nambei Asoba

The study explored leadership and job satisfaction at an institution of higher learning in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. A case study research data was adopted and data was collected through a Likert type questionnaire. The relationship between leadership styles and job satisfaction at the Higher Education institution was found to be non-linear and can only be understood within a systems view that takes into consideration multiple factors. This was indicated by the tendency for respondents to align themselves with the neutral response option, which suggested the prevalence of other factors. Factors such as praise and recognition, autonomy to execute new work methods, job security, interactions with colleagues and supervisor relationships with subordinates appeared critical in determining the leadership style – employee job satisfaction relationship. As such, the relationship between leadership styles and job satisfaction cannot be adequately described in linear terms but it tends to be complicated and can only be understand within a system of other complex factors.

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