
Kimura?S Disease: A Rare Cause of Neck Swelling

Author(s): Shyamakant Prasad, Vineet Gupta, Ashok Kumar, Sulabha Naik

KIMURA'S DISEASE is a rare condition and manifests as solitary or multiple subcutane-ous nodules in the head and neck region, with eosinophilia and adenopathy. It is a be-nign chronic inflammatory disorder of un-known etiology. Histologically the lesions are characterized by hyperplastic lymphoid tis-sue, an inflammatory infiltrate rich in eosino-phils and a proliferation of postcapillary ven-ules. Hypereosinophilia in the blood and ele-vated levels of circulating IgE are found. The disease progresses slowly and is endemic to Asians. Treatment consists of surgical resec-tion and administration of parenteral steroids in relapse cases. The prognosis is good and no malignant transformation has been ever ob-served.

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