Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)


Is the village financial system appropriate for the village government? The role of task technology-fit

Author(s): Respati, D. K., Musyaffi, A. M., Wolor, C. W., Khaerunnisa, H., Sari, D. A. P., & Amal, M. I.

The village fund program carried out by the government aims to distribute village development in Indonesia. In its implementation, the village funds are carried out through the village financial system to monitor village funds effectively and efficiently. However, in its application, there are several problems such as errors in the system, and the incompatibility of job descriptions with implementation in the field, causing village officials to be dissatisfied with the village financial system application. This study aims to determine the role of the technology-fit task and the level of user satisfaction in terms of behavioural intention and facilitation conditions. This study uses direct questionnaires to village officials involved in village financial system applications such as village heads, village secretaries, treasurers, financial staff, and the information technology department totalling 86 people. Meanwhile, the analytical tool used is SEM PLS. the results prove that facilitating condition is the variable that most influences behaviour intention compared to the impact caused by the technology-fit task. Meanwhile, user satisfaction has a significant impact on behaviour intention. This shows that the village government has agreed that the village financial system is following the needs of the government, especially in the village in managing village funds.

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