Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Print ISSN: 1087-9595; Online ISSN: 1528-2686)


Identifying Environmental Factors Affecting the Formation of Entrepreneurial Environmental Mentality in Organizations from the Perspective of Top Iranian Entrepreneurs

Author(s): Fatemeh Kavossi Rad, Mohammad Hassan Mobaraki, Hossein Sadeghi

In recent decades, entrepreneurship has been recognized as a key factor in economic and social development. Organizations are also striving to strengthen an entrepreneurial mindset within their organizations, given the ongoing changes in the business environment. An entrepreneurial mindset refers to a set of characteristics, skills, and attitudes that enable individuals to shape innovative ideas and put them into action. However, the formation of an entrepreneurial mindset within organizations is influenced by multiple factors. Many studies have been conducted to identify and recognize these factors. Examining these factors from the perspective of top Iranian entrepreneurs, due to their experiences and knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, can lead to valuable and usable insights for organizations. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the influential factors in the formation of an entrepreneurial mindset within organizations from the viewpoint of top Iranian entrepreneurs. By examining these factors, organizations can develop appropriate strategies to strengthen the entrepreneurial mindset within their organizations and achieve better results in the field of entrepreneurship. The study's sample population consisted of 12 top Iranian organizational entrepreneurs. The research method used in this study is qualitative and based on an interpretive paradigm. Results: Environmental factors are considered as one of the main dimensions in the formation of entrepreneurial mindset in organizations from the perspective of top Iranian entrepreneurs. These dimensions include: 1. Acceptance and management of risk. 2. Control skills in crisis situations. Acceptance and management of risk, as the first component of the environmental factors, plays a very important role in the formation of an entrepreneurial mindset in organizations from the perspective of top Iranian entrepreneurs

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