Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)


Evidentiary Process in Ukrainian and Slovakian Criminal Proceedings: A Comparative Analysis and Implications on Criminal Proceedings

Author(s): Serhii Ablamskyi & Adrian Vasko

Issues of evidence are an important concept and component in every criminal proceeding where there is the need in establishing the very essence of criminal proceedings. In every criminal trial, for there to be proper administration of justice in its proceedings, the process of evidence in the trial must be clearly stated in ensuring effective criminal applicability’s. This article articulates that when it comes to issues relating to the proof of evidence or the supposed evidentiary process in Ukraine and Slovak Republic has established the evidence process during criminal proceedings in their various criminal laws and procedural descriptions. This State’s Criminal Procedure Code has really contributed enormously in conformity to international prescription when issues of evidentiary process are concerned. Even though with all the explanations given by the Countries Criminal Procedure Codes as to matters of evidence, its applicability’s has been greatly flawed with some deficiency rendering it questionable. Some of the gaps and procedures when aspects of evidence are concerned becomes a great worry.

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