Author(s): Ramon Fuentes, Diego Saravia, Nicol?s Ernesto Ottone
Enamel pearls are anomalies of enamel found ectopically from the crown. They have been reported since 1842 with several names with an origin that is still unclear. They are frequently located in maxillary molars, but it is possible to find them in different places and in different sizes to those previously reported. Types of enamel pearls have been described along with a variable prevalence and symptomatology with implications in clinic that must be taken into consideration. The proper analysis of routine exams in dental practice such as panoramic digital radiographs is useful for the detection of enamel pearls, even those asymptomatic. Their exact location could be also addressed using three dimension imagining technology when necessary according to the case. Although they can be a risk factor to develop endodontic and periodontal unfavourable conditions in the affected teeth, their presence is not always associated to develop this conditions and can be found in different quantity, shapes, places and teeth to those previously reported as is shown in this case.