Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)


Empirical Insights into Factors Shaping the Adoption of Home and Mobile Nursing Care in Indian Healthcare Landscape

Author(s): Venkata N S Kumar Kamireddy, Kunal Gaurav, Deependra Sharma, Neelam Raut and Aishwarya Suraj Ray

The healthcare sector in India is currently experiencing a notable shift, mostly influenced by shifting demographic patterns, a rise in life expectancy, and an escalating prevalence of chronic illnesses. A prominent trend in healthcare delivery involves the increasing utilization of home and mobile nursing care services. These services adopt a patient-centric approach by delivering medical treatment within the confines of patients’ residences, while also utilizing mobile technology to enhance accessibility and the standard of care provided. Nevertheless, the determinants that impact the acceptance and implementation of home and mobile nursing care in the Indian context have not been thoroughly investigated. The primary objective of the present research study is to conduct an empirical examination of the various elements that have an impact on the adoption of home and mobile nursing care services in India. The research study is intended to offer a thorough comprehension of the factors that influence the choices made by both patients and healthcare providers when it comes to adopting home and mobile nursing care services.

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