Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)


Digitalization and Banking Sector Transformation: Evidence from South Asia

Author(s): Harsh Thakrar and Charu Bhurat

The study aims to study the effects of digitalization on the expansion of the banking sector, financial inclusion, and emerging business models in South Asian nations. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the impact of digitalization on the expansion of the banking sector in South Asian nations, assess the extent to which digital banking has contributed to greater financial inclusion in South Asian nations, look into the obstacles related to the implementation of digital banking in South Asian nations, examine the emerging business strategies in the banking sector in South Asian nations as a result of digitalization, and identify the factors influencing the adoption of digital banking in South Asian nations. Using the inferential statistics, it was determined whether at least one country has a percentage of adults with mobile banking accounts that differs from the others. The article also hints at the possibility of conducting additional research to compare India’s achievement in terms of mobile banking accounts to that of other nations.

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