Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)


Company Size Moderation Test (X3) on the Influence of Capital Structure (X1) and Financial Performance (X2) on Company Value (Y)

Author(s): Anggono Wijaya*, Djoko Setyadi, Ardi Paminto, Yana Ulfah

This study aims to model Capital Structure and Financial Performance on Company Value with Company Size moderation using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. This study uses secondary data obtained from websites and the company's annual report. The sample used is chemical sub-sector companies from 2012 – 2023. The analysis used in this study is a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis to model variables that affect capital structure and financial performance on company value with company size moderation. Based on the results of science analysis, this study provides information that the Company Size indicator is in quadrant II. This shows that the performance of the indicator is very good and must be maintained by the company. However, for the Capital Structure, Financial Performance and Company Value indicators, most of them are in quadrant I, so it is necessary to conduct an evaluation to improve the company's performance. Based on the results of the empirical analysis, it can be concluded that the Capital Structure has a significant and positive effect on Financial Performance. Furthermore, Capital Structure, Company Size, and Financial Performance have a significant effect on the Company's Value. In addition to the direct influence, the results of the test of the hypothesis of the influence of moderation variables were obtained, namely the size of the company being able to moderate Financial Performance on the company's value and the Capital Structure on the Company's Value.

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